Package 'survMisc'

Title: Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data
Description: A collection of functions to help in the analysis of right-censored survival data. These extend the methods available in package:survival.
Authors: Chris Dardis
Maintainer: Chris Dardis <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.5.1
Built: 2025-01-24 03:10:54 UTC

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Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.


Convert an object to "wide" or "long" form.


asWide(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
asWide(x, ...)

asLong(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
asLong(x, ...)



An object of class ten or pred.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


A new data.table is returned, with the data in 'wide' or 'long' format.
There is one row for each time point.
For a ten object generated from a numeric or Surv object, this has columns:




number of events.


number at risk.

If derived from a survfit, coxph or formula object, there are additional columns for e and n for each covariate group.


Most methods for ten objects are designed for the 'long' form.


data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
t1 <- ten(c1 <- coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z3*z10, data=bmt))
stopifnot(asLong(asWide(t1)) == ten(ten(t1)))

Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend.


Arrange a survival plot with corresponding table and legend.


## S3 method for class 'tableAndPlot'
autoplot(object, ..., hideTabLeg = TRUE,
  tabHeight = 0.25)



An object of class "tableAndPlot", as returned by ggplot.Ten.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Hide table legend.
If hideTabLeg = TRUE (the default), the table legend will not appear.


Table height, as a fraction/ proportion of the whole.
tabHeight=0.25 (the default) makes the table 0.25=25%0.25 = 25\% of the whole plot height.


Arguments to plotHeigth and tabHeight are best specified as fractions adding to 11,


A graph, plotted with gridExtra::grid.arrange.


This method is called by print.tableAndPlot and by print.stratTableAndPlot.


Chris Dardis. Based on existing work by R. Saccilotto, Abhijit Dasgupta, Gil Tomas and Mark Cowley.


data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
autoplot(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney), type="fill")
autoplot(ten(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney)), type="fill")
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
s2 <- survfit(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ group, data=bmt)

Generate a ggplot for a survfit or ten object


Generate a ggplot for a survfit or ten object


autoplot(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
autoplot(object, ..., title = "Marks show times with censoring",
  type = c("single", "CI", "fill"), alpha = 0.05, ciLine = 10,
  censShape = 3, palette = c("Dark2", "Set2", "Accent", "Paired", "Pastel1",
  "Pastel2", "Set1", "Set3"), jitter = c("none", "noEvents", "all"),
  tabTitle = "Number at risk by time", xLab = "Time",
  timeTicks = c("major", "minor", "days", "months", "custom"), times = NULL,
  yLab = "Survival", yScale = c("perc", "frac"), legend = TRUE,
  legTitle = "Group", legLabs = NULL, legOrd = NULL, titleSize = 15,
  axisTitleSize = 15, axisLabSize = 10, survLineSize = 0.5,
  censSize = 5, legTitleSize = 10, legLabSize = 10, fillLineSize = 0.05,
  tabTitleSize = 15, tabLabSize = 5, nRiskSize = 5)

## S3 method for class 'stratTen'
autoplot(object, ..., title = NULL, type = c("single",
  "CI", "fill"), alpha = 0.05, ciLine = 10, censShape = 3,
  palette = c("Dark2", "Set2", "Accent", "Paired", "Pastel1", "Pastel2",
  "Set1", "Set3"), jitter = c("none", "noEvents", "all"),
  tabTitle = "Number at risk by time", xLab = "Time",
  timeTicks = c("major", "minor", "days", "months", "custom"), times = NULL,
  yLab = "Survival", yScale = c("perc", "frac"), legend = TRUE,
  legTitle = "Group", legLabs = NULL, legOrd = NULL, titleSize = 15,
  axisTitleSize = 15, axisLabSize = 10, survLineSize = 0.5,
  censSize = 5, legTitleSize = 10, legLabSize = 10, fillLineSize = 0.05,
  tabTitleSize = 15, tabLabSize = 5, nRiskSize = 5)

## S3 method for class 'survfit'
autoplot(object, ...,
  title = "Marks show times with censoring", type = c("single", "CI",
  "fill"), alpha = 0.05, ciLine = 10, censShape = 3,
  palette = c("Dark2", "Set2", "Accent", "Paired", "Pastel1", "Pastel2",
  "Set1", "Set3"), jitter = c("none", "noEvents", "all"),
  tabTitle = "Number at risk by time", xLab = "Time",
  timeTicks = c("major", "minor", "weeks", "months", "custom"),
  times = NULL, yLab = "Survival", yScale = c("perc", "frac"),
  legend = TRUE, legLabs = NULL, legOrd = NULL, legTitle = "Group",
  titleSize = 15, axisTitleSize = 15, axisLabSize = 10,
  survLineSize = 0.5, censSize = 5, legTitleSize = 10, legLabSize = 10,
  fillLineSize = 0.05, tabTitleSize = 15, tabLabSize = 5, nRiskSize = 5,
  pVal = FALSE, sigP = 1, pX = 0.1, pY = 0.1)



An object of class survfit, ten or stratTen.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Title for survival plot.


type="single" (the default) plots single lines.


Adds lines indicating confidence intervals (taken from upper and lower values of survfit object).
Higher values of alpha (opacity) are recommended for this, e.g. alpha=0.8.


Adds filled rectangles from the survival lines to the confidence intervals above.


Opacity of lines indicating confidence intervals or filled rectangles. Should be in range 010-1. Lower = more transparent.
Larger values e.g. alpha=0.7 are recommended for confidence intervals.


Confidence interval line type. See 'line type specification' in


Shape of marks to indicate censored onservations.
Default is 3 which gives vertical ticks.
Use censShape=10 for circular marks. See


Options are taken from color_brewer.

  • palette="Dark2" (the default) is recommended for single or CI plots.

  • palette="Set2" is recommended for type="fill" plots.


By default, jitter="none".

  • If jitter="noEvents", adds some random, positive noise to survival lines with no events (i.e. all observations censored). This will bring them just above 1 on the y-axis, making them easier to see separately.

  • If jitter="all" add some vertical and horizontal noise to all survival lines. This can prevent overlapping of lines for censoring.


Table title.

–Axis arguments:


Label for xx axis on survival plot.


Numbers to mark on the xx axis of the survival plot and the table.


(the default) only the major xx-axis (time) marks from the survival plot are are labelled on the plot and table.


minor axis marks are labelled instead.


scale is 0,7,14,...,tmax0, 7, 14, ..., t_{max}


scale is 0,12,,24,...,tmax0, 12,, 24, ..., t_{max}


scale is given by times below


Vector of custom times to use for xx axis.


Label for yy axis on survival plot.


Display for point on yy axis:


Displays as percentages.


Displays as fractions e.g. 0,0.1,0.2,...,1.0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 1.0.

–Legend arguments:


If legend=FALSE, no legends will be produced for the plot or table.


Legend title.


Legend labels. These can be used to replace the names of the covariate groups ('strata' in the case of a survfit object).
Should be given in the same order as those strata.


Legend order.

–Size arguments:
Size arguments are passed to ggplot2::element_text(size=).


Title size for survival plot.


Title size for axes.


Title size for labels on axes.


Survival line size.


Title size for legend.


Legend labels width and height.


Size of marks to indicate censored onservations.


Line size surrouding filled boxes.


Table title text size.


Table legend text size.


Number at risk - text size.

–Arguments for autoplot.survfit only:


If pVal=TRUE, adds pp value from log-rank test to plot


No. of significant digits to display in pp value. Typically 11 to 33.


Location of pp value on xx axis.
Should be in the range of 010 - 1, where value is to be placed relative to the maximum observed time.
E.g. pX = 0.5 will place it half-way along xx-axis


Location of pp value on yy axis.
Should be in the range of 010 - 1, as above.


autoplot.survfit may be deprecated after packageVersion 0.6. Please try to use autoplot.ten instead.


Chris Dardis. autoplot.survfit based on existing work by R. Saccilotto, Abhijit Dasgupta, Gil Tomas and Mark Cowley.

See Also



## examples are slow to run; see vignette for output from these
## Not run: 
### autoplot.ten
data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
t1 <- ten(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney))
autoplot(t1, type="fill", survLineSize=2, jitter="all")
autoplot(t1, timeTicks="months",
 type="CI", jitter="all",
 legLabs=c("surgical", "percutaneous"),
 title="Time to infection following catheter placement \n
   by type of catheter, for dialysis patients",
 titleSize=10, censSize=2)$plot
t2 <- ten(survfit(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ 1, data=kidney))
autoplot(t2, legLabs="")$plot
autoplot(t2, legend=FALSE)
data("rectum.dat", package="")
t3 <- ten(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=rectum.dat))
## change confidence intervals to log Equal-Precision confidence bands
ci(t3, how="nair", tL=1, tU=40)
autoplot(t3, type="fill", legend=FALSE)$plot
## manually changing the output
t4 <- ten(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney))
(a4 <- autoplot(t4, type="CI", alpha=0.8, survLineSize=2)$plot)
## change default colors
a4 + list(ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "blue")),
          ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=c("red", "blue")))
## change limits of y-axis
suppressMessages(a4 + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 1)))

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
data("pbc", package="survival")
t1 <- ten(Surv(time, status==2) ~ trt + strata(edema), data=pbc, abbNames=FALSE)

## End(Not run)
### autoplot.survfit
## Not run: 
data(kidney, package="KMsurv")
s1 <- survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
autoplot(s1, type="fill", survLineSize=2)
autoplot(s1, type="CI", pVal=TRUE, pX=0.3,
 legLabs=c("surgical", "percutaneous"),
 title="Time to infection following catheter placement \n
   by type of catheter, for dialysis patients")$plot
s1 <- survfit(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ 1, data=kidney)
autoplot(s1, legLabs="")$plot
autoplot(s1, legend=FALSE)$plot
data(rectum.dat, package="")
s1 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=rectum.dat)
## change confidence intervals to log Equal-Precision confidence bands
if (require("")) {, method="logep")
 autoplot(s1, type="fill", legend=FALSE)$plot
## manually changing the output
s1 <- survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
g1 <- autoplot(s1, type="CI", alpha=0.8, survLineSize=2)$plot
## change default colors
g1 + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=c("red", "blue")) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=c("red", "blue"))
## change limits of y-axis
g1 + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 1))

## End(Not run)

confidence intervals for survival curves.


confidence intervals for survival curves.


ci(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
ci(x, ..., CI = c("0.95", "0.9", "0.99"), how = c("point",
  "nair", "hall"), trans = c("log", "lin", "asi"), tL = NULL, tU = NULL,
  reCalc = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'stratTen'
ci(x, ..., CI = c("0.95", "0.9", "0.99"),
  how = c("point", "nair", "hall"), trans = c("log", "lin", "asi"),
  tL = NULL, tU = NULL)



An object of class ten.


Confidence intervals. As the function currently relies on lookup tables, currently only 90%, 95% (the default) and 99% are supported.


Method to use for confidence interval.
point (the default) uses pointwise confirence intervals.
The alternatives use confidence bands (see details).


Transformation to use.
The default is trans="log".
Also supported are linear and arcsine-square root transformations.


Lower time point. Used in construction of confidence bands.


Upper time point. Used in construction of confidence bands.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Recalcuate the values?
If reCalc=FALSE (the default) and the ten object already has the calculated values stored as an attribute, the value of the attribute is returned directly.


In the equations below

σs2(t)=V^[S^(t)]S^2(t)\sigma^2_s(t) = \frac{\hat{V}[\hat{S}(t)]}{\hat{S}^2(t)}

Where S^(t)\hat{S}(t) is the Kaplan-Meier survival estimate and V^[S^(t)]\hat{V}[\hat{S}(t)] is Greenwood's estimate of its variance.
The pointwise confidence intervals are valid for individual times, e.g. median and quantile values. When plotted and joined for multiple points they tend to be narrower than the bands described below. Thus they tend to exaggerate the impression of certainty when used to plot confidence intervals for a time range. They should not be interpreted as giving the intervals within which the entire survival function lies.
For a given significance level α\alpha, they are calculated using the standard normal distribution ZZ as follows:

  • linear

    S^(t)±Z1ασ(t)S^(t)\hat{S}(t) \pm Z_{1- \alpha} \sigma (t) \hat{S}(t)

  • log transform

    [S^(t)1θ,S^(t)θ][ \hat{S}(t)^{\frac{1}{\theta}}, \hat{S}(t)^{\theta} ]


    θ=expZ1ασ(t)logS^(t)\theta = \exp{ \frac{Z_{1- \alpha} \sigma (t)}{ \log{\hat{S}(t)}}}

  • arcsine-square root transform

    sin2(max[0,arcsinS^(t)Z1ασ(t)2S^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\max[0, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} - \frac{Z_{1- \alpha}\sigma(t)}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])


    sin2(min[π2,arcsinS^(t)+Z1ασ(t)2S^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\min[\frac{\pi}{2}, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} + \frac{Z_{1- \alpha}\sigma(t)}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])

Confidence bands give the values within which the survival function falls within a range of timepoints.

The time range under consideration is given so that tltmint_l \geq t_{min}, the minimum or lowest event time and tutmaxt_u \leq t_{max}, the maximum or largest event time.
For a sample size nn and 0<al<au<10 < a_l < a_u <1:

al=nσs2(tl)1+nσs2(tl)a_l = \frac{n\sigma^2_s(t_l)}{1+n\sigma^2_s(t_l)}

au=nσs2(tu)1+nσs2(tu)a_u = \frac{n\sigma^2_s(t_u)}{1+n\sigma^2_s(t_u)}

For the Nair or equal precision (EP) confidence bands, we begin by obtaining the relevant confidence coefficient cαc_{\alpha}. This is obtained from the upper α\alpha-th fractile of the random variable

U=supWo(x)[x(1x)],alxauU = \sup{|W^o(x)\sqrt{[x(1-x)]}|, \quad a_l \leq x \leq a_u}

Where WoW^o is a standard Brownian bridge.
The intervals are:

  • linear

    S^(t)±cασs(t)S^(t)\hat{S}(t) \pm c_{\alpha} \sigma_s(t) \hat{S}(t)

  • log transform (the default)
    This uses θ\theta as below:

    θ=expcασs(t)logS^(t)\theta = \exp{ \frac{c_{\alpha} \sigma_s(t)}{ \log{\hat{S}(t)}}}

    And is given by:

    [S^(t)1θ,S^(t)θ][\hat{S}(t)^{\frac{1}{\theta}}, \hat{S}(t)^{\theta}]

  • arcsine-square root transform

    sin2(max[0,arcsinS^(t)cασs(t)2S^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\max[0, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} - \frac{c_{\alpha}\sigma_s(t)}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])


    sin2(min[π2,arcsinS^(t)+cασs(t)2S^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\min[\frac{\pi}{2}, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} + \frac{c_{\alpha}\sigma_s(t)}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])

For the Hall-Wellner bands the confidence coefficient kαk_{\alpha} is obtained from the upper α\alpha-th fractile of a Brownian bridge.
In this case tlt_l can be =0=0.
The intervals are:

  • linear

    S^(t)±kα1+nσs2(t)nS^(t)\hat{S}(t) \pm k_{\alpha} \frac{1+n\sigma^2_s(t)}{\sqrt{n}} \hat{S}(t)

  • log transform

    [S^(t)1θ,S^(t)θ][\hat{S}(t)^{\frac{1}{\theta}}, \hat{S}(t)^{\theta}]


    θ=expkα[1+nσs2(t)]nlogS^(t)\theta = \exp{ \frac{k_{\alpha}[1+n\sigma^2_s(t)]}{ \sqrt{n}\log{\hat{S}(t)}}}

  • arcsine-square root transform

    sin2(max[0,arcsinS^(t)kα[1+nσs(t)]2nS^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\max[0, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} - \frac{k_{\alpha}[1+n\sigma_s(t)]}{2\sqrt{n}} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])


    sin2(min[π2,arcsinS^(t)+kα[1+nσs2(t)]2nS^(t)1S^(t)])\sin^2(\min[\frac{\pi}{2}, \arcsin{\sqrt{\hat{S}(t)}} + \frac{k_{\alpha}[1+n\sigma^2_s(t)]}{2\sqrt{n}} \sqrt{ \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{1-\hat{S}(t)}}])


The ten object is modified in place by the additional of a data.table as an attribute.
attr(x, "ci") is printed.
This A survfit object. The upper and lower elements in the list (representing confidence intervals) are modified from the original.
Other elements will also be shortened if the time range under consideration has been reduced from the original.


  • For the Nair and Hall-Wellner bands, the function currently relies on the lookup tables in

  • Generally, the arcsin-square root transform has the best coverage properties.

  • All bands have good coverage properties for samples as small as n=20n=20, except for the Nair / EP bands with a linear transformation, which perform poorly when n<200n < 200.


The function is loosely based on


Nair V, 1984. Confidence bands for survival functions with censored data: a comparative study. Technometrics. 26(3):265-75. JSTOR.

Hall WJ, Wellner JA, 1980. Confidence bands for a survival curve from censored data. Biometrika. 67(1):133-43. JSTOR.

See Also




## K&M 2nd ed. Section 4.3. Example 4.2, pg 105.
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- bmt[bmt$group==1, ] # ALL patients
## K&M 2nd ed. Section 4.4. Example 4.2 (cont.), pg 111.
## patients with ALL
t1 <- ten(Surv(t2, d3) ~ 1, data=bmt[bmt$group==1, ])
ci(t1, how="nair", trans="lin", tL=100, tU=600)
## Table 4.5, pg. 111.
lapply(list("lin", "log", "asi"),
       function(x) ci(t1, how="nair", trans=x, tL=100, tU=600))
## Table 4.6, pg. 111.
lapply(list("lin", "log", "asi"),
       function(x) ci(t1, how="hall", trans=x, tL=100, tU=600))
t1 <- ten(Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data=bmt)
ci(t1, CI="0.95", how="nair", trans="lin", tL=100, tU=600)
## stratified model
data("pbc", package="survival")
t1 <- ten(coxph(Surv(time, status==2) ~ log(bili) + age + strata(edema), data=pbc))

compare survival curves


compare survival curves


comp(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
comp(x, ..., p = 1, q = 1, scores =, "ncg")),
  reCalc = FALSE)



A tne object


pp for Fleming-Harrington test


qq for Fleming-Harrington test


scores for tests for trend


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Recalcuate the values?
If reCalc=FALSE (the default) and the ten object already has the calculated values stored as an attribute, the value of the attribute is returned directly.


The log-rank tests are formed from the following elements, with values for each time where there is at least one event:

  • WiW_i, the weights, given below.

  • eie_i, the number of events (per time).

  • ei^\hat{e_i}, the number of predicted events, given by predict.

  • COViCOV_i, the covariance matrix for time ii, given by COV.

It is calculated as:

Qi=Wi(eie^i)TWiCOVi^Wi1Wi(eie^i)Q_i = \sum{W_i (e_i - \hat{e}_i)}^T \sum{W_i \hat{COV_i} W_i^{-1}} \sum{W_i (e_i - \hat{e}_i)}

If there are KK groups, then K1K-1 are selected (arbitrary).
Likewise the corresponding variance-covariance matrix is reduced to the appropriate K1×K1K-1 \times K-1 dimensions.
QQ is distributed as chi-square with K1K-1 degrees of freedom.

For 22 covariate groups, we can use:

  • eie_i the number of events (per time).

  • nin_i the number at risk overall.

  • e1ie1_i the number of events in group 11.

  • n1in1_i the number at risk in group 11.


Q=Wi[e1in1i(eini)]Wi2n1ini(1n1ini)(nieini1)eiQ = \frac{\sum{W_i [e1_i - n1_i (\frac{e_i}{n_i})]} }{ \sqrt{\sum{W_i^2 \frac{n1_i}{n_i} (1 - \frac{n1_i}{n_i}) (\frac{n_i - e_i}{n_i - 1}) e_i }}}

Below, for the Fleming-Harrington weights, S^(t)\hat{S}(t) is the Kaplan-Meier (product-limit) estimator.
Note that both pp and qq need to be 0\geq 0.

The weights are given as follows:

11 log-rank
nin_i Gehan-Breslow generalized Wilcoxon
ni\sqrt{n_i} Tarone-Ware
S1iS1_i Peto-Peto's modified survival estimate Sˉ(t)=1eini+1\bar{S}(t)=\prod{1 - \frac{e_i}{n_i + 1}}
S2iS2_i modified Peto-Peto (by Andersen) S~(t)=Sˉnini+1\tilde{S}(t)=\bar{S} - \frac{n_i}{n_i + 1}
FHiFH_i Fleming-Harrington The weight at t0=1t_0 = 1 and thereafter is: S^(ti1)p[1S^(ti1)q]\hat{S}(t_{i-1})^p [1-\hat{S}(t_{i-1})^q]

The supremum (Renyi) family of tests are designed to detect differences in survival curves which cross.
That is, an early difference in survival in favor of one group is balanced by a later reversal.
The same weights as above are used.
They are calculated by finding

Z(ti)=tktiW(tk)[e1kn1keknk],i=1,2,...,kZ(t_i) = \sum_{t_k \leq t_i} W(t_k)[e1_k - n1_k\frac{e_k}{n_k}], \quad i=1,2,...,k

(which is similar to the numerator used to find QQ in the log-rank test for 2 groups above).
and it's variance:

σ2(τ)=tkτW(tk)2n1kn2k(nkek)eknk2(nk1)\sigma^2(\tau) = \sum_{t_k \leq \tau} W(t_k)^2 \frac{n1_k n2_k (n_k-e_k) e_k}{n_k^2 (n_k-1)}

where τ\tau is the largest tt where both groups have at least one subject at risk.

Then calculate:

Q=supZ(t)σ(τ),t<τQ = \frac{ \sup{|Z(t)|}}{\sigma(\tau)}, \quad t<\tau

When the null hypothesis is true, the distribution of QQ is approximately

QsupB(x),0x1Q \sim \sup{|B(x)|, \quad 0 \leq x \leq 1}

And for a standard Brownian motion (Wiener) process:

Pr[supB(t)>x]=14πk=0(1)k2k+1expπ2(2k+1)28x2Pr[\sup|B(t)|>x] = 1 - \frac{4}{\pi} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(- 1)^k}{2k + 1} \exp{\frac{-\pi^2(2k + 1)^2}{8x^2}}

Tests for trend are designed to detect ordered differences in survival curves.
That is, for at least one group:

S1(t)S2(t)...SK(t)tτS_1(t) \geq S_2(t) \geq ... \geq S_K(t) \quad t \leq \tau

where τ\tau is the largest tt where all groups have at least one subject at risk. The null hypothesis is that

S1(t)=S2(t)=...=SK(t)tτS_1(t) = S_2(t) = ... = S_K(t) \quad t \leq \tau

Scores used to construct the test are typically s=1,2,...,Ks = 1,2,...,K, but may be given as a vector representing a numeric characteristic of the group.
They are calculated by finding:

Zj(ti)=tiτW(ti)[ejinjieini],j=1,2,...,KZ_j(t_i) = \sum_{t_i \leq \tau} W(t_i)[e_{ji} - n_{ji} \frac{e_i}{n_i}], \quad j=1,2,...,K

The test statistic is:

Z=j=1KsjZj(τ)j=1Kg=1KsjsgσjgZ = \frac{ \sum_{j=1}^K s_jZ_j(\tau)}{\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^K \sum_{g=1}^K s_js_g \sigma_{jg}}}

where σ\sigma is the the appropriate element in the variance-covariance matrix (see COV).
If ordering is present, the statistic ZZ will be greater than the upper α\alpha-th percentile of a standard normal distribution.


The tne object is given additional attributes.
The following are always added:


The log-rank family of tests


The log-rank weights (used in calculating the tests).

An additional item depends on the number of covariate groups.
If this is =2=2:


The supremum or Renyi family of tests

and if this is >2>2:


Tests for trend. This is given as a list, with the statistics and the scores used.


Regarding the Fleming-Harrington weights:

  • p=q=0p = q = 0 gives the log-rank test, i.e. W=1W=1

  • p=1,q=0p=1, q=0 gives a version of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test (tests if populations distributions are identical)

  • p=0,q>0p=0, q>0 gives more weight to differences later on

  • p>0,q=0p>0, q=0 gives more weight to differences early on

The example using alloauto data illustrates this. Here the log-rank statistic has a p-value of around 0.5 as the late advantage of allogenic transplants is offset by the high early mortality. However using Fleming-Harrington weights of p=0,q=0.5p=0, q=0.5, emphasising differences later in time, gives a p-value of 0.04.
Stratified models (stratTen) are not yet supported.


Gehan A. A Generalized Wilcoxon Test for Comparing Arbitrarily Singly-Censored Samples. Biometrika 1965 Jun. 52(1/2):203–23. JSTOR

Tarone RE, Ware J 1977 On Distribution-Free Tests for Equality of Survival Distributions. Biometrika;64(1):156–60. JSTOR

Peto R, Peto J 1972 Asymptotically Efficient Rank Invariant Test Procedures. J Royal Statistical Society 135(2):186–207. JSTOR

Fleming TR, Harrington DP, O'Sullivan M 1987 Supremum Versions of the Log-Rank and Generalized Wilcoxon Statistics. J American Statistical Association 82(397):312–20. JSTOR

Billingsly P 1999 Convergence of Probability Measures. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Wiley (paywall)


## Two covariate groups
## K&M 2nd ed. Example 7.2, Table 7.2, pp 209--210.
data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
t1 <- ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
comp(t1, p=c(0, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5), q=c(1, 0, 1, 0.5, 2))
## see the weights used
## supremum (Renyi) test; two-sided; two covariate groups
## K&M 2nd ed. Example 7.9, pp 223--226.
data("gastric", package="survMisc")
g1 <- ten(Surv(time, event) ~ group, data=gastric)
## Three covariate groups
## K&M 2nd ed. Example 7.4, pp 212-214.
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ group, data=bmt)
comp(b1, p=c(1, 0, 1), q=c(0, 1, 1))
## Tests for trend
## K&M 2nd ed. Example 7.6, pp 217-218.
data("larynx", package="KMsurv")
l1 <- ten(Surv(time, delta) ~ stage, data=larynx)
attr(l1, "tft")
### see effect of F-H test
data("alloauto", package="KMsurv")
a1 <- ten(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=alloauto)
comp(a1, p=c(0, 1), q=c(1, 1))

covariance matrix for survival data


covariance matrix for survival data


COV(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
COV(x, ..., reCalc = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'stratTen'
COV(x, ..., reCalc = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
COV(x, ..., n, ncg)



A numeric vector of number of events, ete_t. These are assumed to be ordered by discrete times.
A method is available for objects of class ten.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Recalcuate the values?
If reCalc=FALSE (the default) and the ten object already has the calculated values stored as an attribute, the value of the attribute is returned directly.

–Arguments for the numeric method:


number at risk (total).


number at risk, per covariate group.
If there are 22 groups, this can be given as a vector with the number at risk for group 11.
If there are 2\geq 2 groups, it is a matrix with one column for each group.


Gives variance-covariance matrix for comparing survival data for two or more groups.
Inputs are vectors corresponding to observations at a set of discrete time points for right censored data, except for n1n1, the no. at risk by predictor.
This should be specified as a vector for one group, otherwise as a matrix with each column corresponding to a group.


An array.
The first two dimensions = the number of covariate groups KK, k=1,2,Kk = 1, 2, \ldots K. This is the square matrix below.
The third dimension is the number of observations (discrete time points).

To calculate this, we use x (= ete_t below) and n1n_1, the number at risk in covariate group 11.
Where there are 22 groups, the resulting sparse square matrix (i.e. the non-diagonal elements are 00) at time tt has diagonal elements:

covt=n0tn1tet(ntet)nt2(nt1)cov_t = - \frac{n_{0t} n_{1t} e_t (n_t - e_t)}{n_t^2(n_t-1)}

For 2\geq 2 groups, the resulting square matrix has diagonal elements given by:

covkkt=nkt(ntnkt)et(ntet)nt2(nt1)cov_{kkt} = \frac{n_{kt}(n_t - n_{kt}) e_t(n_t - e_t)}{ n_t^2(n_t - 1)}

The off diagonal elements are:

covklt=nktnltet(ntet)nt2(nt1)cov_{klt} = \frac{-n_{kt} n_{lt} e_t (n_t-e_t) }{ n_t^2(n_t-1)}


Where the is just one subject at risk n=1n=1 at the final timepoint, the equations above may produce NaN due to division by zero. This is converted to 0 for simplicity.

See Also

Called by comp

The name of the function is capitalized to distinguish it from:


## Two covariate groups
## K&M. Example 7.2, pg 210, table 7.2 (last column).
data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
k1 <- with(kidney,
           ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type))
COV(k1)[COV(k1) > 0]
## Four covariate groups
## K&M. Example 7.6, pg 217.
data("larynx", package="KMsurv")
l1 <- ten(Surv(time, delta) ~ stage, data=larynx)
rowSums(COV(l1), dims=2)
## example of numeric method
## Three covariate groups
## K&M. Example 7.4, pg 212.
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- asWide(ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ group, data=bmt))
rowSums(b1[, COV(x=e, n=n, ncg=matrix(data=c(n_1, n_2, n_3), ncol=3))], dims=2)

cut point for a continuous variable in a model fit with coxph or survfit.


Determine the optimal cut point for a continuous variable in a coxph or survfit model.


cutp(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'coxph'
cutp(x, ..., defCont = 3)

## S3 method for class 'survfit'
cutp(x, ..., defCont = 3)



A survfit or coxph object


definition of a continuous variable.
If the variable has >> defCont unique values, it is treated as continuous and a cut point is determined.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


For a cut point μ\mu, of a predictor KK, the variable is split into two groups, those μ\geq \mu and those <μ< \mu.
The score (or log-rank) statistic, scsc, is calculated for each unique element kk in KK and uses

  • ei+e_i^+ the number of events

  • ni+n_i^+ the number at risk

in those above the cut point, respectively.
The basic statistic is

sck=i=1D(ei+ni+eini)sc_k = \sum_{i=1}^D ( e_i^+ - n_i^+ \frac{e_i}{n_i} )

The sum is taken across times with observed events, to DD, the largest of these.
It is normalized (standardized), in the case of censoring, by finding σ2\sigma^2 which is:

σ2=1D1iD(1j=1i1D+1j)2\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{D - 1} \sum_i^D (1 - \sum_{j=1}^i \frac{1}{D+ 1 - j})^2

The test statistic is then

Q=maxsckσD1Q = \frac{\max |sc_k|}{\sigma \sqrt{D-1}}

Under the null hypothesis that the chosen cut point does not predict survival, the distribution of QQ has a limiting distibution which is the supremum of the absolute value of a Brownian bridge:

p=Pr(supQq)=2i=1(1)i+1exp(2i2q2)p = Pr(\sup Q \geq q) = 2 \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i + 1} \exp (-2 i^2 q^2)


A list of data.tables.
There is one list element per continuous variable.
Each has a column with possible values of the cut point (i.e. unique values of the variable), and the additional columns:


The score (log-rank) test for a model with the variable 'cut' into into those \geq the cutpoint and those below.


The test statistic.


The pp-value.

The tables are ordered by pp-value, lowest first.


Contal C, O'Quigley J, 1999. An application of changepoint methods in studying the effect of age on survival in breast cancer. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 30(3):253–70. ScienceDirect (paywall)

Mandrekar JN, Mandrekar, SJ, Cha SS, 2003. Cutpoint Determination Methods in Survival Analysis using SAS. Proceedings of the 28th SAS Users Group International Conference (SUGI). Paper 261-28. SAS (free)


## Mandrekar et al. above
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- bmt[bmt$group==1, ] # ALL patients
c1 <- coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z1, data=b1) # z1=age
c1 <- cutp(c1)$z1
data.table::setorder(c1, "z1")
## [] below is used to print data.table to console

## Not run: 
## compare to output from survival::coxph
               function(i) c(i, summary(coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z1 >= i, data=b1))$sctest))),
    dimnames=list(c("age", "score_test", "df", "p")))
cutp(coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z1, data=bmt[bmt$group==2, ]))$z1[]
cutp(coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z1, data=bmt[bmt$group==3, ]))[[1]][]
## K&M. Example 8.3, pg 273-274.
data("kidtran", package="KMsurv")
k1 <- kidtran
## patients who are male and black
k2 <- k1[k1$gender==1 & k1$race==2, ]
c2 <- coxph(Surv(time, delta) ~ age, data=k2)
## check significance of computed value
summary(coxph(Surv(time, delta) ~ age >= 58, data=k2))
k3 <- k1[k1$gender==2 & k1$race==2, ]
c3 <- coxph(Surv(time, delta) ~ age, data=k3)
## doesn't apply to binary variables e.g. gender
print(cutp(coxph(Surv(time, delta) ~ age + gender, data=k1)))

## End(Not run)

gastric cancer trial data


gastric cancer trial data


A data.frame with 9090 rows (observations) and 33 columns (variables).


Data from a trial of locally unresectable gastic cancer.
Patients (n=45n=45 in each group) were randomized to one of two groups: chemotheapy vs. chemotherapy + radiotherapy.
Columns are:


Time, in days








chemotherapy + radiotherapy


Klein J, Moeschberger. Survival Analysis, 2nd edition. Springer 2003. Example 7.9, pg 224.


Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group, 1982. A comparison of combination chemotherapy and combined modality therapy for locally advanced gastric carcinoma. Cancer. 49(9):1771-7. Wiley (free).

Stablein DM, Koutrouvelis IA, 1985. A two-sample test sensitive to crossing hazards in uncensored and singly censored data. Biometrics. 41(3):643-52. JSTOR.

See Also

Examples in comp


data("gastric", package="survMisc", verbose=TRUE)

goodness of fit test for a coxph object


goodness of fit test for a coxph object


gof(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'coxph'
gof(x, ..., G = NULL)



An object of class coxph


Additional arguments (not implemented)


Number of groups into which to divide risk score. If G=NULL (the default), uses closest integer to

G=max(2,min(10,ne40))G = \max(2, \quad \min(10, \quad \frac{ne}{40}))

where nene is the number of events overall.


In order to verify the overall goodness of fit, the risk score rir_i for each observation ii is given by

ri=β^Xir_i = \hat{\beta} X_i

where β^\hat{\beta} is the vector of fitted coefficients and XiX_i is the vector of predictor variables for observation ii.
This risk score is then sorted and 'lumped' into a grouping variable with GG groups, (containing approximately equal numbers of observations).
The number of observed (ee) and expected (expexp) events in each group are used to generate a ZZ statistic for each group, which is assumed to follow a normal distribution with ZN(0,1)Z \sim N(0,1).
The indicator variable indicG is added to the original model and the two models are compared to determine the improvement in fit via the likelihood ratio test.


A list with elements:


A data.table with one row per group GG. The columns are


Number of observations


Number of events


Number of events expected. This is

exp=eiMiexp = \sum e_i - M_i

where eie_i are the events and MiM_i are the martingale residuals for each observation ii


ZZ score, calculated as

Z=eexpexpZ = \frac{e - exp}{\sqrt{exp}}


pp-value for ZZ, which is

p=2.pnorm(z)p = 2. \code{pnorm}(-|z|)

where pnorm is the normal distribution function with mean μ=0\mu =0 and standard deviation σ=1\sigma =1 and z|z| is the absolute value.


Likelihood-ratio test. Tests the improvement in log-likelihood with addition of an indicator variable with G1G-1 groups. This is done with survival:::anova.coxph. The test is distributed as chi-square with G1G-1 degrees of freedom


The choice of GG is somewhat arbitrary but rarely should be >10> 10.
As illustrated in the example, a larger value for GG makes the ZZ test for each group more likely to be significant. This does not affect the significance of adding the indicator variable indicG to the original model.

The ZZ score is chosen for simplicity, as for large sample sizes the Poisson distribution approaches the normal. Strictly speaking, the Poisson would be more appropriate for ee and expexp as per Counting Theory.
The ZZ score may be somewhat conservative as the expected events are calculated using the martingale residuals from the overall model, rather than by group. This is likely to bring the expected events closer to the observed events.

This test is similar to the Hosmer-Lemeshow test for logistic regression.


Method and example are from:
May S, Hosmer DW 1998. A simplified method of calculating an overall goodness-of-fit test for the Cox proportional hazards model. Lifetime Data Analysis 4(2):109–20. Springer (paywall)


Default value for GG as per:
May S, Hosmer DW 2004. A cautionary note on the use of the Gronnesby and Borgan goodness-of-fit test for the Cox proportional hazards model. Lifetime Data Analysis 10(3):283–91. Springer (paywall)

Changes to the pbc dataset in the example are as detailed in:
Fleming T, Harrington D 2005. Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. New Jersey: Wiley and Sons. Chapter 4, section 4.6, pp 188. Wiley (paywall)


data("pbc", package="survival")
pbc <- pbc[!$trt), ]
## make corrections as per Fleming
pbc[pbc$id==253, "age"] <-  54.4
pbc[pbc$id==107, "protime"] <-  10.7
### misspecified; should be log(bili) and log(protime) instead
c1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status==2) ~
            age + log(albumin) + bili + edema + protime,
gof(c1, G=10)

Add number censored.


Add number censored.


nc(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
nc(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'stratTen'
nc(x, ...)



An object of class ten or stratTen.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


The original object, with new column(s) added indicating the number censored at each time point, depending on attr(x, "shape"):


the new column, c, gives the number censored at each timepoint, by covariate group.


new columns, beginning with c_, give the number censored at each timepoint, by covariate group. There is an additional nc column giving the total number censored at each timepoint.

A stratTen object has each ten element in the list modified as above.


data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
t1 <- ten(survfit(Surv(time, delta) ~ type, data=kidney))
## stratified model
data("pbc", package="survival")
t1 <- ten(coxph(Surv(time, status==2) ~ log(bili) + age + strata(edema), data=pbc))

Plot a Surv object.


Plot a Surv object.


## S3 method for class 'Surv'
plot(x, l = 3, ...)



A Surv object


length of arrow. Length is l / nrow(x)


Additional arguments.
These are passed to as ... (an ellipsis) to the following functions, respectively:


for plotting right- or left-censored observations


for plotting interval-censored observations


A graph (base graphics). The type of graph depends on the type of the Surv object. This is given by attr(s, which="type") :


Lines with an arrow pointing right if right censored.


Lines with an arrow pointing right if right censored.


Lines with an arrow pointing left if left censored.


If censored:

arrow points right

right censored

arrow points left

left censored

If not censored:


observations of more than one time point


observation of one time only (i.e. start and end times are the same)

See Also




df0 <- data.frame(t1=c(0, 2, 4, 6, NA, NA, 12, 14),
                  t2=c(NA, NA, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 18))
s5 <- Surv(df0$t1, df0$t2, type="interval2")

predicted events


predicted events


## S3 method for class 'ten'
predict(object, ..., eMP = TRUE, reCalc = FALSE)



An object of class ten.


Add column(s) indicating events minus predicted.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Recalcuate the values?
If reCalc=FALSE (the default) and the ten object already has the calculated values stored as an attribute, the value of the attribute is returned directly.


With KK covariate groups, We use ncgikncg_{ik}, the number at risk for group kk, to calculate the number of expected events:

Pik=ei(ncgik)nik=1,2KP_{ik} = \frac{e_i(ncg_{ik})}{n_i} \quad k=1, 2 \ldots K


An attribute, pred is added to object:


Times with at least one observation


predicted number of events

And if eMP==TRUE (the default):


events minus predicted

The names of the object's covariate groups are used to make the suffixes of the column names (i.e. after the _ character).


There is a predicted value for each unique time, for each covariate group.

See Also

?survival::predict.coxph methods("predict")


## K&M. Example 7.2, Table 7.2, pp 209-210.
data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
k1 <- ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
stopifnot(predict(asWide(k1))[, sum(eMP_1 + eMP_2)] <=
## Three covariate groups
## K&M. Example 7.4, pp 212-214.
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ group, data=bmt)
## one group only
predict(ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ 1, data=bmt))

print methods


print methods


## S3 method for class 'ten'
print(x, ..., maxRow = getOption("datatable.print.nrows", 50L),
  nRowP = getOption("datatable.print.topn", 5L), pRowNames = TRUE,
  maxCol = getOption("survMisc.maxCol", 8L),
  nColSP = getOption("survMisc.nColSP", 7L),
  sigDig = getOption("survMisc.sigDig", 2L))

## S3 method for class 'COV'
print(x, ..., n = 2L)

## S3 method for class 'lrt'
print(x, ..., dist = c("n", "c"))

## S3 method for class 'sup'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'tableAndPlot'
print(x, ..., hideTabLeg = TRUE, tabHeight = 0.25)

## S3 method for class 'stratTableAndPlot'
print(x, ..., hideTabLeg = TRUE,
  tabHeight = 0.25)



An object of class ten.


Additional arguments (not implemented).



Maximum number of rows to print.
If nrow(x) > maxRow, just the first and last nRowP (below) are printed.
The default value is that used by data.table.


Number of rows to print from the start and end of the object. Used if nrow(x) > maxRow.


Print row names?
Default is TRUE.


Maximum number of columns to print.
If ncol(x) > maxCol, just the first nColSP and last maxCol - nColSP columns are printed.


Number of columns to print from the start of the object. Used if Used if ncol(x) > maxCol.


Significant digits. This is passed as an argument to
when preparing the object for printing.

–print.tableAndPlot and print.tableAndPlot


Hide table legend.


Table height (relative to whole plot).



Similar to n from e.g.



Which distribution to use for the statistics when printing.
Default (dist="n") prints ZZ and pp values based on the normal distribution.
If dist="c", gives values based on the χ2\chi^2 distribution.
The results are the same. The default value is typically easier to read. Both options are given for completeness.


Prints a ten object with 'nice' formatting.
Options may be set for a session using e.g.
It is similar to the behavior of but has additional arguments controlling the number of columns sent to the terminal.


A printed representation of the object is send to the terminal as a side effect of calling the function.
The return value cannot be assigned.


All numeric arguments to the function must be supplied as integers.


Chris Dardis. Based on existing work by Brian Diggs.

See Also

For print.ten:



sapply(c("datatable.print.nrows", "datatable.print.topn"), getOption)


(x <- data.table::data.table(matrix(rnorm(1800), ncol=15, nrow=120)))
data.table::setattr(x, "class", c("ten", class(x)))
p1 <- print(x)
x[1:80, ]
x[0, ]
(data.table::set(x,, value=NULL))

Profile likelihood for coefficients in a coxph model


Profile likelihood for coefficients in a coxph model


profLik(x, CI = 0.95, interval = 50, mult = c(0.1, 2), devNew = TRUE,



A coxph model.


Confidence Interval.


Number of points over which to evaluate coefficient.


Multiplier. Coefficent will be multiplied by lower and upper value and evaluated across this range.


Open a new device for each plot. See


Additional parameters passed to graphics::plot.default.


Plots of range of values for coefficient in model with log-likelihoods for the model with the coefficient fixed at these values.

For each coefficient a range of possible values is chosen, given by B^multlowerB^multupper\hat{B}*mult_{lower} - \hat{B}*mult_{upper}. A series of models are fit (given by interval). The coefficient is included in the model as a fixed term and the partial log-likelihood for the model is calculated.

A curve is plotted which gives the partial log-likelihood for each of these candidate values. An appropriate confidence interval (CI) is given by subtracting 1/2 the value of the appropriate quantile of a chi-squared distribution with 11 degree of freedom.

Two circles are also plotted giving the 95


One plot for each coefficient in the model.


Example is from: T&G. Section 3.4.1, pg 57.


data("pbc", package="survival")
c1 <- coxph(formula = Surv(time, status == 2) ~ age + edema + log(bili) +
                      log(albumin) + log(protime), data = pbc)
profLik(c1, col="red")

r^2 measures for a a coxph or survfit model


r^2 measures for a a coxph or survfit model


rsq(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'coxph'
rsq(x, ..., sigD = 2)

## S3 method for class 'survfit'
rsq(x, ..., sigD = 2)



A survfit or coxph object.


significant digits (for ease of display). If sigD=NULL, will return the original numbers.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


A list with the following elements:


The coefficient of determination, which is


where L0L_0 and L1L_1 are the log partial likelihoods for the null and full models respectively and nn is the number of observations in the data set.


The measure of explained randomness, which is:


where mm is the number of observed events.


The measure of explained variation (similar to that for linear regression), which is:

R2=Rmer2Rmer2+π6(1Rmer2)R^2=\frac{R^2_{mer}}{R^2_{mer} + \frac{\pi}{6}(1-R^2_{mer})}


Nagelkerke NJD, 1991. A Note on a General Definition of the Coefficient of Determination. Biometrika 78(3):691–92. JSTOR

O'Quigley J, Xu R, Stare J, 2005. Explained randomness in proportional hazards models. Stat Med 24(3):479–89. Wiley (paywall) Available at UCSD

Royston P, 2006. Explained variation for survival models. The Stata Journal 6(1):83–96. The Stata Journal


data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
c1 <- coxph(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
cbind(rsq(c1), rsq(c1, sigD=NULL))

survival (or hazard) function based on ee and nn.


survival (or hazard) function based on ee and nn.


sf(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
sf(x, ..., what = c("S", "H"), SCV = FALSE,
  times = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
sf(x, ..., what = c("S", "H"), SCV = FALSE, times = NULL,
  reCalc = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'stratTen'
sf(x, ..., what = c("S", "H"), SCV = FALSE,
  times = NULL, reCalc = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
sf(x, ..., n = NULL, what = c("all", "S", "Sv", "H",
  "Hv"), SCV = FALSE, times = NULL)



One of the following:


A numeric vector of events status (assumed sorted by time).


Vectors of events and numbers at risk (assumed sorted by time).

A ten object.

A stratTen object.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


Number at risk.


See return, below.


Include the Squared Coefficient of Variation, which is calcluated using the mean xˉ\bar{x} and the variance σx2\sigma_x^2:

SCVx=σx2xˉ2SCV_x = \frac{\sigma_x^2}{\bar{x}^2}

This measure of dispersion is also referred to as the 'standardized variance' or the 'noise'.


Times for which to calculate the function.
If times=NULL (the default), times are used for which at least one event occurred in at least one covariate group.


Recalcuate the values?
If reCalc=FALSE (the default) and the ten object already has the calculated values stored as an attribute, the value of the attribute is returned directly.


A data.table which is stored as an attribute of the ten object.
If what="s", the survival is returned, based on the Kaplan-Meier or product-limit estimator. This is 11 at t=0t=0 and thereafter is given by:

S^(t)=tti(1eini)\hat{S}(t) = \prod_{t \leq t_i} (1-\frac{e_i}{n_i} )

If what="sv", the survival variance is returned.
Greenwoods estimtor of the variance of the Kaplan-Meier (product-limit) estimator is:

Var[S^(t)]=[S^(t)]2titeini(niei)Var[\hat{S}(t)] = [\hat{S}(t)]^2 \sum_{t_i \leq t} \frac{e_i}{n_i (n_i - e_i)}

If what="h", the hazard is returned, based on the the Nelson-Aalen estimator. This has a value of H^=0\hat{H}=0 at t=0t=0 and thereafter is given by:

H^(t)=ttieini\hat{H}(t) = \sum_{t \leq t_i} \frac{e_i}{n_i}

If what="hv", the hazard variance is returned.
The variance of the Nelson-Aalen estimator is given by:

Var[H^(t)]=titeini2Var[\hat{H}(t)] = \sum_{t_i \leq t} \frac{e_i}{n_i^2}

If what="all" (the default), all of the above are returned in a data.table, along with:
Survival, based on the Nelson-Aalen hazard estimator HH, which is:


Hazard, based on the Kaplan-Meier survival estimator SS, which is:

Hkm^=logS\hat{H_{km}} = -\log{S}


data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
k1 <- ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
sf(k1, times=1:10, reCalc=TRUE)
k2 <- ten(with(kidney, Surv(time=time, event=delta)))
## K&M. Table 4.1A, pg 93.
## 6MP patients
data("drug6mp", package="KMsurv")
d1 <- with(drug6mp, Surv(time=t2, event=relapse))
(d1 <- ten(d1))
sf(x=d1$e, n=d1$n, what="S")
data("pbc", package="survival")
t1 <- ten(Surv(time, status==2) ~ log(bili) + age + strata(edema), data=pbc)
## K&M. Table 4.2, pg 94.
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
b1 <- bmt[bmt$group==1, ] # ALL patients
t2 <- ten(Surv(time=b1$t2, event=b1$d3))
with(t2, sf(x=e, n=n, what="Hv"))
## K&M. Table 4.3, pg 97.
sf(x=t2$e, n=t2$n, what="all")

Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Analysis


Package: survMisc
Type: Package
Version: 0.5
Date: 2015-07-15
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes

A collection of functions for the analysis of survival data. These extend the methods already available in package:survival.
The intent is to generate a workspace for some of the common tasks arising in survival analysis.

There are references in many of the functions to the textbooks:

K&M Klein J, Moeschberger M (2003). Survival Analysis, 2nd edition.
New York: Springer. Springer (paywall).
T&G Therneau TM, Grambsch PM (2000). Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model.
New York: Springer. Springer (paywall).

Notes for developers

  • This package should be regarded as 'in development' until release 1.0, meaning that there may be changes to certain function names and parameters, although I will try to keep this to a minimum. As such it is recommended that other packages do not depend on or import from this one until at least version 1.0.

  • Naming tends to follow the camelCase convention; variables within functions are typically alphanumeric e.g. a1 <- 1.

For bug reports, feature requests or suggestions for improvement, please try to submit to github. Otherwise email me at the address below.


Chris Dardis [email protected]

time, event(s) and number at risk.


time, event(s) and number at risk.


ten(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
ten(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Surv'
ten(x, ..., call = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'coxph'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = TRUE, contrasts.arg = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'survfit'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = TRUE, contrasts.arg = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = TRUE, contrasts.arg = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = TRUE, contrasts.arg = NULL,
  call = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'data.table'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = TRUE, mm = NULL, call = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'ten'
ten(x, ..., abbNames = NULL, call = NULL)



For the default method, a numeric vector indicating an event (or status).
Each element indicates whether an event occurred (1) or not (0) for an observation.
These are assumed to be ordered by discrete times.
This is similar to the event argument for Surv objects.

Methods are available for objects of class Surv, survfit, coxph and formula.


Abbreviate names?
If abbNames="TRUE" (the default), the covariate groups are referred to by number.
As the names for each covariate group are made by concatenating the predictor names, the full names can become unwieldly.
If abbNames="FALSE", the full names are given.
In either case, the longNames are given as an attribute of the returned ten object.


Methods for handling factors.
A list. The names are the names of columns of the model.frame containing factors.
The values are used as replacement values for the stats::contrasts replacement function. These should be functions (given as character strings) or numeric matrices.
This can be passed from survfit, coxph and formula objects to:


Used to pass the call from a formula to the final method.


Used to pass the model.matrix from a formula to the final method.


Additional arguments (not implemented).


A data.table with the additional class ten.
By default, the shape returned is 'long' i.e. there is one row for each unique timepoint per covariate group.
The basic form, for a numeric or Surv object, has columns:




number of events.


number at risk.

A survfit, coxph or formula object will have additional columns:


covariate group. This is formed by combining the variables; these are separated by a comma ','.


number at risk, by covariate group

Special terms.

The following are considered 'special' terms in a survival model:


For a stratified model, ten returns a list with one element per strata, which is a ten object.
This has the class stratTen. The name of the list elements are those of the strata in the model.


These terms are dropped.


The variable is unchanged. That is, time-transform terms are handled as if the the function tt(x) was identity(x).

The returned object will also have the following attributes:


The default is "long" but is changed to "wide" when asWide is called on the object.


Abbreviate names?


A data.table with two columns, showing the abbrevbiated and full names.


Number of covariate groups


The call used to generate the object


The model.matrix used to generate to generate the object, if applicable.

Additional attributes will be added by the following functions:
sf ci


The methods for data.frame (for a model frame) and data.table are not typically intended for interactive use.

Currently only binary status and right-censoring are supported.

In stratified models, only one level of stratification is supported (i.e. strata cannot be 'nested' currently).

Partial matching is available for the following arguments, based on the characters in bold:

  • abbNames

  • contrasts.arg

See Also




## binary vector
ten(c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1))
## Surv object
df0 <- data.frame(t=c(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21),
                  e=rep(c(0, 1), 4))
s1 <- with(df0, Surv(t, e, type="right"))
## some awkward values
    s1 <- Surv(time=c(Inf, -1, NaN, NA, 10, 12),
               event=c(c(NA, 1, 1, NaN, Inf, 0.75))))
## coxph object
## K&M. Section 1.2. Table 1.1, page 2.
data("hodg", package="KMsurv")
hodg <- data.table::data.table(hodg)
                     c(names(hodg)[!names(hodg) %in%
                                   c("score", "wtime")],
                       "Z1", "Z2"))
c1 <- coxph(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ Z1 + Z2,
            data=hodg[gtype==1 && dtype==1, ])
data("bmt", package="KMsurv")
ten(c1 <- coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z3*z10, data=bmt))
## T&G. Section 3.2, pg 47.
## stratified model
data("pbc", package="survival")
c1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status==2) ~ log(bili) + age + strata(edema), data=pbc)
## K&M. Example 7.2, pg 210.
data("kidney", package="KMsurv")
with(kidney[kidney$type==2, ], ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta)))
s1 <- survfit(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ type, data=kidney)
ten(s1)[e > 0, ]
## A null model is passed to ten.Surv
(t1 <- with(kidney, ten(Surv(time=time, event=delta) ~ 0)))
## but the original call is preserved
attr(t1, "call")
## survival::survfit doesn't accept interaction terms...
## Not run: 
    s1 <- survfit(Surv(t2, d3) ~ z3*z10, data=bmt)
## End(Not run)
## but ten.formula does:
ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ z3*z10, data=bmt)
## the same is true for the '.' (dot operator) in formulas
(t1 <- ten(Surv(time=t2, event=d3) ~ ., data=bmt))
## impractical long names stored as an attribute
attr(t1, "longNames")
## not typically intended to be called directly
mf1 <- model.frame(Surv(time, status==2) ~ age + strata(edema) + strata(spiders), pbc,
                   drop.unused.levels = TRUE)